"We are excited to introduce a new section of our Equity webpage called 'Promising Practices' that is filled with dynamic stories about local programs providing important tools to help California's equity applicants navigate the licensing process and achieve success in their cannabis business," the DCC announced.
They can be found on the website: www.cannabis.ca.gov/resources/equity
When creating this section, the Department of Cannabis Control's (DCC) staff talked with equity business owners and applicants who were affected by the War on Drugs. Their in-depth discussions included the obstacles they faced on their path to becoming licensed and what helped them succeed.
"Starting any business is hard work, and a cannabis business is no different. As a recently legalized industry, DCC's equity licensees are innovative entrepreneurs, laying the groundwork for the future of this industry in California."
"From technical assistance programs to no-interest loans to opportunities for grant funding, our equity business owners prove that locally-tailored programs provide a world of support."
"We look forward to continuing our collaboration with our licensee community and building on this foundation. Our goal is to make DCC's website the hub for California's legal cannabis market. Have a story about an equity program you want us to share? Drop us a line at [email protected] with the subject line 'Promising Practices."
For more information:
Department of Cannabis Control