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"We are family owned, no investors, no debt"

Halo Cannabis has everything needed to produce cannabis and cannabis goodies. The 40,000-square-foot building boasts ten flowering rooms, three bedrooms, and one nursery.

At Halo Cannabis, quality is the priority. Cultivated by its tenured agriculture engineers, the Halo Cannabis facility produces only the finest of medicines for Arizona residents, according to staff.

“We are very different,” Halo Cannabis owner George Roop said. “We are not a public company. We are a family-owned and -operated company. We have no investors. We have no debt.”

He said his company looks at its team members as the investors. “That’s what gets me and my wife (Chrissy) excited, to change people’s lives, our team’s lives,” Roop said. “Our goal is to create millionaires within our company.”

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