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US (OK): Oklahoma City police searching for suspects in crime spree targeting grow facilities

Oklahoma City police believe six burglaries were committed by two people in just a few days. Now they’re searching for the suspects in the incidents, which were caught on camera.

“Investigators are asking for the public’s help with this case. Basically, a crime spree that these individuals had been on for a period of about three or four days,” said MSgt. Jennifer Wardlow, with the Oklahoma City Police Department.

Oklahoma City police say that the crime spree started the first weekend of the New Year. In a video from Jan. 8, you can see two people try and fail to break into a marijuana grow business.

The footage shows them attempting to use a tool and their body weight to make their way in not once but twice. But officers believe they didn’t stop there. They suspect the same two people stole two different vehicles from separate locations in Oklahoma City.


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