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Scotland’s first medical cannabis facility raises £2 million

Scotland's first medical cannabis production facility has secured £2 million in private investment to become one of the largest producers in the UK.

Hilltop Leaf founders Hamish Clegg, Neil Ewart, and Will Ewart have secured the money from UK investment house Traditum and a number of private investors. The equity injection will allow the company to make its first commercial sales and scale up its infrastructure for the specialist prescription market.

Hilltop Leaf - which holds a manufacturer's "specials" license and wholesaler dealer authorization from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency - has already completed construction of an 11,000sq m production facility in southern Scotland. The company intends to produce pharmaceutical-grade cannabis-based products for medicinal use in humans (CBPMs), which will ultimately be processed on-site.

"We are building a business around the three key pillars of health innovation, environmental sustainability, and community impact," said Mr. Clegg, the company's chief executive. "Although medicinal cannabis use is growing, the UK relies solely on imports, and we understand there is a problem with the reliability of the supply chain.


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