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Autumn Shelton elected to the California Cannabis Industry Association Board of Directors

Autumn Shelton joins the fifteen-person California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA) Board of Directors as well as their elected Treasurer. The 10-year-old organization advocates on behalf of cannabis businesses to advance a comprehensive and sensible regulatory framework that achieves important policy objectives, encouraging investment and innovation, protecting small businesses, advocating on behalf of social equity, and enhancing public and consumer safety. Shelton is the CFO of Autumn Brands, a 50% women-owned, pesticide-free cannabis flower cultivator in Carpinteria, California. She has been a respected voice in the Central Coast cannabis community, having been elected as president of CARP Growers in 2021 with a mission to set best practices and earn their reputation as leaders and environmental stewards among California cannabis producers. She previously served on the CCIA Agriculture & Manufacturing Committee and is one of five newly elected Board Members and their elected Treasurer.

Autumn Shelton 

“I am honored and excited to share my cannabis industry, cultivation, financial expertise, and operations knowledge as a CCIA Board member,” says Shelton. “My passion is championing the health and wellness benefits of cannabis in congruence with CCIA’s mission to further the professional reputation of the cannabis industry and its compatibility with California’s rich agricultural legacy.”

A leading industry supporter, Shelton has successfully navigated California’s Prop 215 and the transition to MAUCRSA since 2015, which involved participating in every BCC/DCC Rulemaking process, working closely with CDFA’s Compliance Division, Metrc’s Development team, and Executives at the DCC. Shelton also participated in all of the County of Santa Barbara’s Public hearings during and after the development of the Cannabis Ordinance, endlessly lobbying County Staff, the Planning Commissioners, and the Board of Supervisors.

For more information:
Autumn Brands

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