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“With outdoor cultivation from seed we can see variation with each cultivar and select the most robust phenotypes for our microclimate"

When EOS Farms launched into the Massachusetts cannabis industry more than two years ago, they had a beautiful vision, a supportive board of investors, and a differentiated business plan to grow the best outdoor cannabis in the Northeast.

There were a lot of skeptics when it came to growing outdoors in Massachusetts. In fact, the first year’s crop came up short. So when they pulled a full bounty of plants with big, beautiful buds out of the ground this past fall, it did not go unnoticed by the industry.

Of course, this year, it’s a new set of marketplace challenges like inflation and a plummeting price per pound for cannabis across the state. All the same, they’re beating the odds.

Why grow outdoors in Massachusetts? "For one, those indoor grow facilities cost a fortune to build, not to mention they lack a certain character - soul if you will - in an industry where such deficiencies translate directly into the quality of the final product. In the case of corporate cannabis, indoor grow operations are reliable but produce a flat, featureless product."



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