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28 February, Niagara Falls

The ins and outs of Plant Empowerment presented in free online webinar

After the success of the two-day workshop in Canada last May, which was attended by more than 100 growers, investors, and other horticulture professionals, the organizers host another multi-day Plant Empowerment course in Canada in March 2023, this time in Niagara Falls. To explain the program so participants have a better view of what to expect during the multi-day course, Plant Empowerment is hosting a free online webinar on Tuesday, February 28, from 4 pm to 5 pm CET.

About the multi-day live workshop in Canada
The Plant Empowerment philosophy helps growers worldwide to grow more sustainably and more profitably. This data-driven way of thinking facilitates higher yields and better crop quality for growers while also supporting more efficient use of valuable resources such as water, energy, and nutrients. Growers around the world implement the principles with success.

During this workshop, which will be hosted in the Niagara Falls area in Canada, eight Plant Empowerment specialists will share their knowledge about the basic principles of Plant Empowerment and their experiences on how to apply the philosophy in practice. By covering topics such as data analysis, artificial lighting, climate screens, and plant health, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the key factors that contribute to plant growth and success. And with sessions dedicated to specific crops, like strawberries, floriculture, tomatoes, and cannabis, attendees will be able to tailor their learning to their specific interests and needs and find the information and insights they gain to be valuable and useful in their work.

Join the online webinar and take advantage of an exclusive offer
To give attendees a chance to get a better understanding of the program and what to expect, and ask any questions they may have before the multi-day live workshop in Canada, Plant Empowerment is hosting an online webinar on Tuesday, February 28, from 4 pm to 5 pm CET.

The webinar provides a helpful and informative introduction to the multi-day live workshop in Canada. They will provide a comprehensive overview of the topics that will be covered, a preview of the sessions, and give attendees a sense of the structure and format of the workshop. By providing this information beforehand, attendees can better prepare themselves and make the most of their time at the workshop.

And there is more. By participating in the webinar, not only will you get a comprehensive overview of the workshop in Canada, but you'll also have the opportunity to take advantage of an exclusive offer, which you don't want to miss. Curious about what this offer is? Then join the webinar!

Register for the webinar
Registration for the online webinar is free of charge. You can register via the form on this webpage.

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