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Germany’s health minister indicates that the EU will allow legalization to proceed

The push to legalize adult-use cannabis in Germany received a significant boost, with reports surfacing that the nation’s health minister has received “very good feedback” from the European Commission regarding his plan to legalize cannabis for adult use in Germany and to launch regulated adult-use sales. Minister Karl Lauterbach reportedly stated that “in the next few weeks,” his bill will be formally presented.

“We will soon present a proposal that works, that is, that conforms to European law,” Lauterbach stated, according to NTV. Minister Lauterbach’s comments come after months of discussions with the European Union. Back in October 2022, Minister Lauterbach presented a legalization plan in Germany that included the following provisions:

  • Legal age of 18 years old
  • 20-30 gram possession limit
  • Regulated outlets
  • Prohibition on advertising
  • No cap on THC percentages
  • Cultivate up to 3 plants per adult household
  • Remove cannabis from Germany’s Narcotics Law

As part of his formal presentation to German lawmakers back in October, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach stated that prior to formally introducing his measure, he would first seek approval from the European Union to proceed. Minister Lauterbach has indicated throughout the lobbying process that the goal and focus of his efforts are to improve public health in Germany via regulating adult-use cannabis.

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