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"Australian govt. missing out on billions of dollars without cannabis legalization"

The Australian cannabis industry may be fueling the black market with a whopping $25B in annual earnings. Greens senator David Shoebridge emphasizes the potential for a significant revenue boost through legalization instead of costly and ineffective policing.

Shoebridge said, "Law enforcement is spending billions of public dollars failing to police cannabis," he went on to exclaim, "the opportunity here is to turn that all on its head by legalizing it."
A recent investigation into Australia's marijuana habits uncovered some intriguing findings. According to the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (Acic), an analysis of the nation's wastewater unveiled that Australians consume an astounding 14.6 kilograms of THC, the mind-altering compound in cannabis, per thousand people annually. This revelation came in response to a question during Senate estimates, making it quite an eye-opening statistic for lawmakers to consider.

Astonishing new figures reveal Australians are spending an estimated $25 billion on cannabis. Parliament's financial experts crunched the numbers and found that the average price of street weed is $13.40 a gram. Researchers delved into wastewater data to determine THC levels in the average marijuana batch, resulting in this mind-blowing statistic.



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