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Switzerland: Second pilot project approved for adult-use cannabis in Zurich

Based on the newly created legal requirements, the City of Zurich and the University of Zurich have prepared the study "Züri Can - Cannabis with responsibility." The study examines the effects of obtaining selected cannabis products from controlled cultivation under regulated conditions on the consumption and health of participants. In addition, different models of the regulated supply of cannabis will be compared with each other.

Production with responsibility
The cannabis producers selected for the project have an exemption permit from the FOPH for the cultivation of cannabis containing THC. High-quality standards have been set for cultivated cannabis products (flowers and resin) in terms of freedom from harmful substances. Therefore, only products of organic quality and from local production with defined THC and CBD content are offered in the study. 

Consumption with responsibility
Only if the THC and CBD content of the cannabis products is known to the consumers, a responsible and as low-risk as possible consumption can take place. For this reason, the content of the two main active ingredients is precisely defined and declared in the products of the City of Zurich Cannabis Study. Furthermore, it is guaranteed that no dangerous pollutants or synthetic cannabinoids are contained, as is to be feared with products of the black market. In addition, a selection of different products is required to meet the needs of users. A selected range of products should make it possible to offer a better alternative to the supply structures of the black market, which have become established over the past decades.

Prevention and training with responsibility
The selected supply points guarantee individual counseling of the study participants - with the aim of keeping the health risks of consumption as low as possible. To this end, the supply points are trained by the University of Zurich and the City of Zurich. In this way, it can be ensured that the sales staff have appropriate counseling skills and knowledge regarding the ingredients and risks of cannabis products as well as harm reduction measures. In case of health problems, a medical contact person is available to the study participants. It is a central component of the City of Zurich Cannabis Study to link already existing offers of prevention as well as medical and psychological counseling and treatment with the new reference points.

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