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US (PA): Lawmakers propose selling adult-use cannabis through state liquor stores

State lawmakers are considering a new bill that would drastically change cannabis laws in Pennsylvania. The proposal calls for legalizing recreational cannabis and selling it through the state liquor store system.
The legislation would allow customers to purchase both products at the same store. The bill would also expunge low-level cannabis convictions and allow individuals to grow up to six cannabis plants. Sen. Dan Laughlin says he supports legalizing and taxing recreational cannabis.
"Anybody in Pennsylvania that wants to use cannabis already is," said Sen. Laughlin. "I'm just trying to regulate it, put it in a safe environment to buy it, and tax it." However, Sen. Laughlin does not want cannabis controlled by the state liquor system.
"I'm not a big fan of that method," said Sen. Laughlin. "Honestly, I don't think the state should be selling liquor in the first place, let alone adult-use cannabis. I know there are some proposals out there to do just that, but quite frankly, if we're going to get a bill through the legislature and on the governor's desk, it's not going to include that."

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