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US (CT): Medical cannabis prices increase

Since the start of the recreational market at the beginning of the year, the Department of Consumer Protection has tracked prices in the medical market inching upward. 

The Department of Consumer Protection data shows that the price of medical marijuana has increased by 3.8% from $35.68 per product in January to $37.06 per product in March. 

At the same time, the average price of recreational cannabis products dropped month over month in January. The average price of cannabis products was $44.6. That average cost dropped to $41.82 in February and $40.7 in March, a decrease of 8.8 percent since recreational sales began.

The slight 3.8% increase in medical marijuana has the community, which purchased more products in March than the adult-use market, worried. Medical marijuana card holders are allowed to purchase up to 5 ounces, but recreational users are only allowed to purchase up to a quarter ounce per transaction.  


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