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US (NJ): These four people will have a big say in who can sell legal cannabis in Red Bank

The Borough Council will create a cannabis review board to vet incoming cannabis applications and limit the number of licenses the borough can award. 

The review board passed by a vote of 5-1, with Councilwoman Kate Triggiano voting against the creation of the review board, citing it as an added layer of bureaucracy.  

Changes to the original cannabis ordinance, which would further restrict the areas the businesses could operate, were not voted on during Wednesday’s meeting. Councilman Michael Ballard said there was a special planning board meeting being proposed to review those changes. 

When the borough legalized the sale of cannabis in 2021, it was one of a handful of municipalities that opted in. In those two years, over two dozen cannabis operations have expressed an interest in starting a business in the borough. However, no businesses have been approved to start operating in the borough. The review board would allow cannabis businesses that have gained state and borough planning board approval to start its municipal-level approval process.  

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