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Jamaica advocates for inclusion in cannabis industry

The ministry of industry, investment, and commerce continues to advocate for the inclusion of more Jamaican farmers in the cultivation of ganja as part of efforts to develop the sector and tap into its potential economic benefits.

State minister in the ministry, Dr. Norman Dunn, has said that the government's Alternative Development Programme (ADP) is a key initiative for community groups and small-scale growers to gain access to legal channels in the industry.

"The ADP is a community-centered approach in which participating communities will be allowed to cultivate up to 10 acres of land [and] will be required to sell all of their outputs from the program to a licensed downstream buyer or authorized permit holders of the Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA)," Dr. Dunn explained.

He was addressing an event hosted by JACANA, at Island Village in Ocho Rios, St Ann, on Thursday, April 20, in recognition of International Cannabis Day.


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