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CAN: Travel not being booked for SAWP Mexico workers

All SAWP Mexico workers who have a work permit must have their travel booked within 30 days of the requested arrival date, or Mexico may cancel the request and reassign the worker to another farm.  

If a worker is canceled, that spot on the LMIA is also canceled.  

If the arrival of workers needs to be postponed by more than six (6) weeks from the requested travel date, employers must submit a “Date Change” request in the Portal (follow the instructions below). Arrival date changes of six weeks or less do not require approval from WALI. Make the change directly with Mi Tierra Holidays when booking flights.  

Employers who have workers (with or without a work permit) that are not needed this year must be canceled as soon as possible. This allows the worker to go to another farm for the season.  

Booking worker travel 
Once a worker has been issued a work permit, employers should go to the Travel page in the Portal. Select the workers with work permits by clicking on the check box on the left side of the page. Then click on the green “Flight Options” button at the top of the page. The pop menu will show all the travel options. Select the option you want a quote for and click the green “Save” button. 

Canceling a worker or requesting an arrival date change 
Canceling a worker or changing a requested arrival date (by six weeks or more from the original requested arrival date) are both done by going to the LMIA Applications page in the Portal. Click on the orange “Submit Change Request” button and follow the directions to submit the cancellation/date change request.  

Cancellations and changes MUST include a reason as required by the Ministry of Labour in Mexico. If you are asking to delay the arrival of a worker, Mexico will confirm that the worker is willing to wait for the new arrival date. Workers can choose to be reassigned to another farm that needs workers sooner. 

Source: Wali Canada

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