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US (NJ): Cannabis farm rejected as business plan was missing

Plans for a cannabis farm in St Mary have been rejected – in part because the applicant failed to provide a business plan. Green View Ltd applied to develop the medicinal-cannabis-growing business in a glasshouse at La Verte Vue Farm, on Rue du Rondin.

The plans had been recommended for refusal by planning officer Gemma Vasselin. At a Planning Committee meeting yesterday, the application was rejected by four votes to two.

One of the panel members, St Ouen Constable Richard Honeycombe, said that ‘diversification of agriculture is good for the economy.’ That sentiment was echoed by Deputy Alex Curtis, who added that he wanted to see ‘investment in the rural economy.’

However, Deputy Curtis highlighted that Green View Ltd had not provided a business plan as part of the application. ‘We need that business plan. I look forward to seeing that. Come back with the business plan. The refusal is on those grounds,’ said Deputy Curtis.


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