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US (MD): Sales topped $10M during opening weekend of adult-use market, state reports

Maryland cannabis sales totaled more than $10 million this past holiday weekend as retail sales for adult consumers launched across the state, the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) reported.

From Friday through Sunday, collective recreational and medical cannabis purchases reached $10,429,736—which is more than double the $3,985,527 in medical cannabis sales that the state saw during last year’s 4th of July holiday weekend.

For the first official day of adult-use sales on Saturday, Maryland sold $4,518,377 worth of cannabis—the vast majority of which ($3,558,947) came from recreational cannabis purchases. Medical cannabis sales, meanwhile, totaled $959,430 for the day.

“We are now entering a new frontier in the history of our country,” Gov. Wes Moore (D) said in a video statement posted on the first day of adult-use cannabis sales. “In the past, cannabis policy has been used as a cudgel to jail and discriminate against our fellow citizens, and especially low-income communities and communities of color. It’s time that we said the truth: the war on drugs didn’t just fail, it made us weaker as a nation.”


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