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'I feel like I'm being thrown out of my state'

US (VA): Business crossing state lines over Virginia's new hemp law

Outside Midlothian's Kultivate Wellness, a green light, shaped like a cross, shines brightly, signaling the business's open doors. But owner Evan Somogyi says his CBD and hemp business's long-winding path to success has now been stopped in its tracks, with new Virginia laws that took effect early this month now serving as a red light halting some of his business.

"This industry, for me, for the past 24 years, has been like a giant game of whack-a-mole," Somogyi said. "But right now, is definitely the strangest time it's ever been.

A sign of the times now sits at the checkout counter at the shop, notifying customers that as of this month, hemp-derived THC products that can give users a high can no longer be legally sold in Virginia stores.

Senate Bill 903 now limits the total amount of THC, the psychoactive compound of cannabis that gives users a high, to two milligrams. The law does allow for products that have more than two milligrams of THC per package to be sold legally if they have a 25:1 ratio of CBD to THC.


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