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Israel: MMJ licensing, patients aren't benefitting anymore

Despite its size, it’s the third largest medical marijuana exporter in the world, with more than 30 licensed growers around the country – some, like Rehovot’s Canonic, using cutting-edge technology to develop new strains of cannabis to treat physical and mental ailments.

However, at the same time, many of the 120,000 or so Israelis with licenses to use medical cannabis have been facing rising costs, more bureaucracy, and more difficulties in obtaining their supply.

In order to qualify for a medical marijuana license, a patient must be afflicted with a disorder or disease such as PTSD, chronic pain, epilepsy, and Crohn’s.

Medical cannabis system
According to Modi’in resident Harry Rubenstein, Israel’s medical marijuana system has completely abandoned patients like himself. Rubenstein, who was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a form of arthritis, first became licensed seven years ago when the system required a standard payment by all patients of NIS 370 per month, for which you could receive your prescribed amount in grams. He noted that while inexpensive, this system led to long lines at the few stores at which it was possible to pick up the marijuana.


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