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US (CA): How a family-owned farm became one of the best selling CA brands

An American success story grows out of the harsh regulatory environment of California cannabis. The mom-and-pop grow team at Fig Farms is doing something right.

For a small family-owned farm, Fig Farms looms large. The brand has been gifted enough awards to enter the national weed lexicon. Born in a garage in Sebastopol, California, and now based in Oakland, Fig Farms was one of the top 5 selling flower companies in the state in Q1 of this year. Operating with less than 10,000 square feet of canopy, every single bud that Fig produces comes out beyond reproach. Its flower is often spoken for before it is even trimmed.

Fig Farms was founded by Keith Healy and Chloe Healy in 2016, a husband-and-wife duo of dynamic cannabis genetic breeders, growers, as well as parents of three. "We are purists," says the brand's co-founder and CEO, Keith Healy. The packaging for all Fig Farms products honors their three children, whose names are hidden within the starry sky in an iridescent glow atop a dark blue backdrop.

"We have such a high standard, we can't make mistakes," says Keith. "There's so much pressure for us to make it perfect every time. Every run counts. If it doesn't perform every time, let's say there's a failed harvest, well, that's income. That's not happening. And right now, because everything's tightened up so much, there's not enough room for failure. Especially for someone who built it themselves."


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