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Argentina: Government introduces La Rioja's first medicinal cannabis oil

The Government of La Rioja presented in Chilecito the first medical cannabis oil called Federal, developed at Agrogenética Riojana and the Institute of Environmental Services.

The ceremony was headed by Governor Ricardo Quintela, who spoke of the state role of the company and said that with this product, "the industry is evident, as well as the ability to be at the forefront in the production of cannabis oil for medicinal purposes."

Of a total of 3,000 products, 1,000 will be delivered to the Ministry of Health for distribution to those who need them and do not have medical coverage, and the remaining 2,000 will be available for sale in pharmacies.

Benjamín Enrici, president of Agrogenética Riojana, commented that "La Rioja is now a reference in the development of cannabis in Argentina because there was a political decision and behind that, Agrogenética and IRePCySA (Institute of Environmental Services) identified the capabilities as biotechnology centers to carry out this new industry that is promising, but also complex."


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