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Tasmanian medicinal cannabis farm to triple production as demand goes up

Tasmania is proving to be the perfect place for growing special "pot" plants, providing bountiful harvests of medicinal cannabis.

"The Tasmanian climate is wonderful for growing cannabis, it's very dry, and it doesn't get too hot," Tasmanian Botanics chief executive Dan Howard said. The company grows medicinal cannabis both outside and inside at its farm and processing facility in southern Tasmania.

A new one-hectare greenhouse will more than triple its production.

"We're currently producing in our greenhouse about 1,000 kilograms of dried flower on an annual basis, combined with about 1,000 kilograms of dried flower from our outdoor operation as well," Mr Howard said.

"In our new space, it'll be about 3,500 kilograms of dried flower in the greenhouse, and then next summer, we're hoping to draw about 1.8 tonnes of dried flower outside."

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