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Jersey-grown medicinal cannabis product to hit UK market

The first Jersey-grown, non-irradiated, medicinal cannabis product is to be available on prescription for UK patients this month.
In what marks a new milestone for the European cannabis sector, medical cannabis company KHIRON Europe will bring the first cannabis-based medicine produced on the island of Jersey to the UK market.

The high-THC flower, KHIRON GK 24/1, is expected to be available from Monday, November 13, for patients registered with UK clinics.

It is the first product on the market to be manufactured so close to the mainland UK. Until now, all of those available on prescription have been imported from producers overseas, leading to calls for the development of a robust domestic market.

There are now 32,000 patients with legal prescriptions for medicinal cannabis in the UK, but the lack of a domestic supply chain has led to issues with products going out of stock and/or delays in receiving medication.


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