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Portugal: Delving deeper into the opportunities and challenges of cannabis drying

"We apply our drying techniques in Portugal to optimize the retention of cannabinoids and terpenes and minimize the chance of mold development." At the CannaDouro event in Portugal, and will present their drying solutions on November 18 and 19 at CannaDouro at stands S34 and S35. " will present GMP-compliant drying installations for medical cannabis, while will present scalable drying installations for every part of the hemp plant. A good reason to delve deeper into the chances and challenges of drying in the Portuguese industrial hemp- and the cannabis market," says Tom Pankras of

Cannabis drying
Production of medical cannabis is allowed with the correct licensing, of which 42 have currently been given out to producers (Laura Ramos, 2023). "The medical cannabis producers who are already in production export a lot to other countries with a legal medical cannabis market. Inside Portugal, the sale of medical cannabis is allowed, but only 1 product is available nationally and is prescribed in small quantities. Of course, medical cannabis needs to be processed according to the GMP standards," Tom says.

Therefore, applies its drying techniques in Portugal to optimize the retention of cannabinoids and terpenes and minimize the chance of mold development in their GMP-certified drying installations. "We have space- and energy-efficient drying installations for both tray-drying or hang-drying medical cannabis. The installations are designed so that they best fit with the harvest schedule, make efficient use of the energy input, and optimize the outcome quality of your product," Tom says.

Hemp drying
Farming of the durable industrial hemp plant is allowed in Portugal for the production of products from the hemp stalk and the hemp seeds. "It is only allowed outdoors and should have a size of minimally 0.5 hectares. The outdoor climate has a low air humidity in relation to the annual temperatures. So, there are good temperatures for harvesting and drying throughout the year and during the classical harvesting time of outdoor-grown hemp," Tom says.

According to Tom, Portugal is developing a strong national production and processing capacity for industrial hemp. "This is in regards to processing the woody core into hempcrete, fibers into clothing, and seeds into food and oils. Hemp can grow very well and voluminously in Portugal, providing a lot of biomass but making harvesting and post-processing more challenging."

Therefore, applies its drying experience with proven processing efficiency of large volumes to result in high-quality drying outcomes for both hemp seeds and hemp flowers. "As well as controlled retting of the hemp stalks for textile, composite, and building applications."

"It's important to make the best use of the conditions during harvesting of the hemp crop to dry the crop efficiently. For the processing of the hemp stalk, we offer installations for controlled retting. Our installations give you control over your hemp product from seed to a full-grown plant and, finally, the dried end product, making it ready for processing into one of the many product applications of hemp to provide value to your company and the planet," Tom concludes.

For more information, visit the and at stands 34 and 35 at CannaDouro, on November 18 and 19. "Don't hesitate to contact us to book a meeting to discuss your hemp or cannabis project and your drying needs."

For more information:
Tom Pankras Msc.
Tel.: +31 223 52 26 88
Mob.: +316 833 320 78
Email: [email protected]