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EMCDDA and Europol release 2023 EU cannabis market analysis

The illicit market for cannabis products is the largest drug market in Europe. Cannabis is also the most commonly consumed illicit drug both in Europe and worldwide. In the EU, it is estimated that about 84 million adults (aged 15-64) have tried cannabis at some point in their lives, and 22.6 million have used it in the last year. The illicit cultivation of cannabis mainly yields two products: herbal cannabis (also known as marijuana) and cannabis resin (also known as hashish or charas). Lately, however, a broad variety of products have become available on the illicit cannabis market in the EU, which may be produced in Europe or smuggled from other regions. These products include oil and hash oil, other high-potency extracts collectively known as ‘concentrates’, and various edible and vaping products.

‘EU Drug Market: Cannabis’ describes the European cannabis market from production and trafficking to distribution and use. It details the processes, materials, and players involved at different stages and levels of the market. The module takes a threat assessment approach, identifying key issues and defining recommendations for action at the EU and Member State levels.

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