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Does Colorado have the first cannabis ghost town?

Gravel crunches underfoot on the sun-cooked Maverick Lane, whose addresses don't exist in Google Maps. Tumbleweeds roll by abandoned buildings and faded real estate signs. A few doors are open, allowing passersby to peer inside the vacant warehouses. At one of the largest buildings on the unpaved road, the roof is starting to show holes.

"I've seen equipment left out in fields by people who couldn't figure it out, and entire crops left to dry outside. No one has to worry about it being stolen. There's barely anyone here — and what is it really worth, anyway?" asks Chris Kaiser.

Kaiser, the founder of cannabis cultivation Bubba's Kush, can throw a rock from his parking lot and hit one of a half-dozen failed cultivations. "That one's closed. That one's closed. That one's closed," he says. "A lot of people have just up and left. One guy is asking for $1.3 million. Ha — good luck with that."

Ordway, Colorado, could be America's first cannabis ghost town.

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