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US (CT): Cannabis sales decreased by $2.6M in January, while retail prices went up

Sales of recreational cannabis in Connecticut dropped nearly $2 million in January compared to December, according to state data.

There was a total of $15.6 million in recreational cannabis sales in January, down from $17.1 million in December, a 9.9 percent dip month over month. Medical cannabis sales also decreased month-over-month but saw a smaller dip from $10.4 million to $9.4 million. That's a total decrease of $2.6 million overall for the month (both recreational and medical).
The number of cannabis products sold in the state also decreased. A total of 399,419 recreational cannabis products were sold in January, down from 453,944 in December, and medical cannabis product sales also decreased, from 291,133 in December to 253,933 in January.
Simultaneously, the average price of cannabis in Connecticut increased by a little more than $1 per product. The average price of a recreational cannabis product was $39 in January, up from $37.8 in December. Medical cannabis products increased in price from $35 on average to $36.4 during the same time period.
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