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Dr. Constantin von der Groeben, Demecan:

"The new German law allows us to fully utilize our production capabilities"

"Demecan warmly welcomes Germany's progressive stance on cannabis legalization. This historic move not only aligns with global trends towards recognizing the medical and economic benefits of cannabis but also opens significant opportunities for innovation, research, and development in the sector," says Dr. Constantin von der Groeben, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Demecan, one of the three licensed cannabis producers in Germany.

According to Constantin, the recent legislative reforms in Germany mark a 'transformative' chapter not only for Demecan but for the entire medical cannabis sector within the country. "A crucial aspect of these reforms is the reclassification of cannabis from a narcotic to a prescription (Rx) drug."

"We expect that the market will show substantial growth within the first few years driven by robust regulatory frameworks and a high demand for medicinal and, potentially, recreational cannabis," Constantin says. "Demecan is poised to be at the forefront of this growth, leveraging our experience and capabilities to meet the expanding needs of the market responsibly."

Removing limitations
"The new German cannabis law is a landmark achievement for Demecan, removing previous limitations on domestic cannabis cultivation and allowing us to fully utilize our production capabilities," Constantin adds. "It marks a significant milestone, enabling us to directly interface with pharmacies, choose and cultivate strains based on market demand and medical efficacy, and independently negotiate prices. Freed from the constraints of government off-take agreements only, we can now directly respond to the needs of the market and our patients. This streamlined supply chain is crucial for improving patient outcomes and satisfaction."

Looking forward, Demecan is committed to maximizing the opportunities presented by this new regulatory framework. "We are set to expand our research and development initiatives, focusing on advanced cultivation techniques and the development of new cannabis strains. Our goal is to continually adapt to and exceed the market's evolving expectations and the diverse needs of patients."

Domino effect
According to Constantin, Germany's decision to legalize cannabis is likely to have a domino effect across Europe, with other nations observing the economic, social, and health outcomes of this reform. "We expect to see a wave of policy reevaluation across the continent, with more countries adopting a more liberal stance on cannabis. This must lead to harmonization of cannabis laws in the European Union, facilitating easier cross-border trade and standardization of quality and safety standards. Demecan anticipates playing a significant role in shaping this future, sharing our expertise and experience with emerging markets and stakeholders across Europe."

"Undoubtedly, Germany's legalization of cannabis will serve as a catalyst for many companies looking to expand their presence across Europe. The size and economic strength of the German market make it an attractive entry point or hub for companies aiming to establish or grow their footprint on the continent," Constantin says. "However, success will depend on companies' ability to navigate diverse regulatory landscapes, ensure product quality, and address societal concerns."

"Demecan, with our strong foundation in Germany, is uniquely positioned to expand across Europe. We are ready to leverage our knowledge, infrastructure, and partnerships to capitalize on these new opportunities, always with a focus on responsible business practices and compliance with local regulations," he adds.

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