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UK families turn to private prescriptions to get medical cannabis

Some patients in the UK say they are "denied access" to medical cannabis by the country's National Health Service (NHS). The UK legalized medicinal cannabis, allowing the prescribing of unlicensed cannabis-based medicinal products, in 2018.

Hertfordshire resident Fallon Levy, 30, can sit at a table and hold a pen thanks to the cannabis-based medicines she takes to treat a rare form of epilepsy. Her mother, Elaine Levy, says Fallon could barely speak or move until she began taking medical cannabis. She once had around 200 seizures every month.

"Being taken out for a meal, cinema, bowling, dancing, drama," Fallon said. "She couldn't do any of that, she'd be in bed with a seizure, or in hospital," Elaine added.

But this new life comes at a price. Fallon's medication costs Elaine about £2,000 (€2,300) per month as Fallon can't get her specific medicine from the NHS.

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