CannaPharmaRx has received three purchase orders for cannabis, for a total of 600KG, from Cantek Holdings. These orders are related to a previously announced supply agreement, and we are happy to announce that the market has proven to be pleased with our quality craft growing methodologies.
CannaPharmaRx continues to utilize its Cremona facility to grow and harvest more than 1000 KG of high-quality cannabis each quarter. The company has completed fifteen grows, each about 100KG, and is cutting, drying and packaging additional inventory for shipment every two to three weeks. The cannabis is then shipped to end customers as these regular orders occur. The first shipment of 150KG occurred several weeks ago, cleared Israeli customs and was received by Cantek only to be sold out in a matter of days. Also in route are an additional 150KG with a 300KG order ready to go and currently awaiting its final export license.
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