MustGrow Biologics is developing and commercializing its patented natural organic crop protections and is targeting the fruit and vegetable and cannabis industries. "Our natural organic crop protection acts as a nematicide (chemicals used to kill nematodes, or tiny, parasitic worms), a fungicide, an insecticide and a fertilizer. Its technologies deliver first-rate pest and pathogen control in combination with plant growth and yield benefits available across a wide array of crops. MustGrow Biologics is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
The company continues, "Our biopesticide has a U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and Canadian PMRA (Pest Management Regulatory Agency) label and is an approved organic solution. This solution utilizes the mustard seed’s natural defense mechanisms to protect plants from pests and diseases." In a research report, the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries states, “When managed properly mustard offers another tool to help growers control soil born pests and diseases. The use of mustard as a biofumigant is particularly interesting for organic producers… Although mustard is a remarkable biofumigant, it has similar benefits that is expected from any other cover crop such as; prevention of soil erosion, recycling of soil nutrients, improved soil structure and maintaining soil organic matter.”
In addition, "MustGrow Biologics is working with Health Canada to develop a family of approved biopesticides and fertilizers to ensure that Canadian cannabis license-holders are using science-based products to grow cannabis.", MustGrow Biologics President and Chief Executive Officer Corey Giasson says.
"MustGrow Biologics’ EPA- and PRMA-approved offerings and all of the third-party solutions on its radar are natural products. The company does not work with organophosphates, which are broadly-used and extremely dangerous chemical pesticides. Regarding cannabis, MustGrow is now developing a reliable, safe and biodegradable solution that follows Health Canada regulations. The positioning of the company’s product is as an effective pre-plant soil treatment. This lessens the chance for any non-treated soil to contaminate greenhouses with soil born pests or diseases.", the team with the company explains.
For more information:
MustGrow Biologics
1005 – 201 1st Ave South
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1J5
T: (306) 717-1128