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Canna-GPT to launch on 4/20

Barky AI and Highten have launched Canna-GPT, the world's first Cannabis AI. Canna-GPT is the first natural language chatbot interface that makes cannabis education more accessible than ever before. Users can type Cannabis-focused questions into the app to get the web's best answers quickly and efficiently.

This pioneering collaboration between Barky AI founder and CEO Chris Barkhurst and Highten CEO Chad Johnson seeks to democratize cannabis education on a global scale, making it accessible for "the many, not the few."

"The launch of Canna-GPT represents our ultimate vision of making cannabis education a shared experience for all," says Barkhurst. "By seamlessly connecting AI and cannabis, we're equipping individuals to navigate this enthralling realm with ease and self-assurance."

Canna-GPT sets itself apart from competitors with its user-friendly design and intuitive capabilities. Users can effortlessly engage in informative queries, from asking questions and collecting information about THC to terpenes, cultivation to consumption, so they can confidently choose cannabis based on their application and needs and not THC percentage.

"Barky AI and Highten came together to introduce an AI experience that is breaking down barriers, making cannabis education more accessible than ever before. We cordially invite the public to join this transformative movement on 4/20," adds Johnson.

The world's first Cannabis AI will only be available for a limited time only, starting 4/20. To experience Canna-GPT first-hand and join the movement to democratize cannabis education, visit

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