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Growcoon officially approved for organic cultivation in Spain

The "OK Compost" certificate confirms the high environmental compatibility of Growcoon. After decomposition, nothing remains except water and CO2. Nevertheless, a product must be formally approved for use in organic cultivation. Assessment and regulation are carried out at the European level by FiBL: the "Research Institute of Organic Agriculture." As a result, Growcoon is listed as an input product on a European level but needs to be checked per member state if it also meets local legislation.

According to FiBL, Growcoon meets international standards for organic cultivation. It has been on the Dutch Skal input list for several years. And in France, the Growcoon has also been recognized for some time, controlled by EcocertĀ®. Only recently, it was confirmed that the Growcoon is on the input list in Germany and Italy as well. Now, the Growcoon is also approved for organic cultivation in Spain. Given the great interest in the Spanish organic sector, an increasing demand can now be expected.

"Growcoon contributes significantly to the development of a solid root ball and healthy plants. This helps in organic cultivation, as the plants are more resistant to external stress factors and the plant sets develop healthier overall", the team says.

For more information:
Maan Group
Klipperweg 16
8102 HR, Raalte
Tel.: 0572 35 27 71
Email: [email protected]

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