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In memoriam: Kees de Groot

On April 1, Kees de Groot passed away at the age of 84. Kees de Groot was a well-known figure in the greenhouse construction industry and was one of the pioneers of modern horticulture.

Since 2013, Kees had been working at Dutch Agro Systems, where he shared his knowledge by developing a new system. Here, he always continued to think ahead, even at an old age.

"Kees leaves behind a beautiful legacy in the form of his contribution to the development of greenhouse construction and him being an inspiration to many others in the field. He will be missed, but his legacy will live on in the innovations and developments he has left behind. Kees has taught many about greenhouse construction throughout his career. Our thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time," said the team at Dutch Agro Systems.

For more information:
Shaniel Raghoenath
Dutch Agro Systems
Email: [email protected]

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