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CA (BC): Plant tissue culture production facility receives confirmation of readiness by Health Canada

Segra International Corp., a cannabis agriculture technology company, has announced that its application for licensing with Health Canada has advanced to the “confirmation of readiness” phase.

“Confirmation of readiness” precedes issuance of a production “Cannabis Nursery License,” the license subclass required to commence operations at Segra’s New Westminster, B.C. Plant Tissue Culture Production Facility. Segra anticipates the facility will meet all relevant compliance provisions required by Health Canada later this year, with operations commencing shortly thereafter.

“Over the last 12 months, it’s been a pleasure to produce tissue cultured cannabis plantlets with our LP partners at their facilities, but establishing our own licensed nursery has always been the goal,” said Dr. Sma Zobayed, Segra’s director of tissue culture. “The prospect of being the first tissue culture-based cannabis plant nursery licensed by Health Canada is very exciting. We’re pioneering an entirely new segment of the cannabis supply chain, which, over time, could prove very disruptive to the current clone-to-sale business model.”

The company’s Plant Tissue Culture Production Facility is undergoing renovations and personnel recruitment in anticipation of operations, with direction from Zobayed. As the former chief scientific officer for JRT Nurseries, Zobayed oversaw production of more than 12 million tissue culture plantlets annually. Segra’s Plant Tissue Culture Production Facility will serve to both provide plantlets to existing clients and establish base-stock tissue cultured plantlets for expansion into future production facilities.

For more information:
Segra International Corp.
#108 – 21300 Gordon Way
Richmond, BC
Canada V6W 1M2  

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