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"Building greenhouses adds a crucial source of revenue to our business"

A new business segment that could account for as much as 30% of Miles Construction’s annual revenue came about entirely by happenstance.

Cary Richardson, president of Miles Construction, told NNBW last week that the company’s work constructing large cultivation facilities for the cannabis industry provided a foundation for ongoing work in the indoor farming industry. Building horizontal and vertical greenhouses adds a crucial source of revenue for Miles Construction that could act as a buffer against cyclical slowdowns in the construction industry, Richardson said.

“It began as an offshoot from work we were doing in the cannabis sector,” Richardson said. “We became very adept at erecting and constructing glass houses with very sophisticated systems within them. A lot of cannabis automation and systems were adaptations of existing technology that’s being used for controlled-environment agriculture in other parts of the world. As we became immersed in this space, and our relationships and skill level continued to grow, it became a natural progression into indoor farming.”

Miles Construction has completed several controlled-environment agriculture projects in Nevada as well as in many other states – the company has obtained active contracting licenses in 14 states to date.

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