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Lotte van Rijn, Certhon:

"Power lies in the marriage between 'ag' and 'tech'"

"I believe the power lies in the combination of different methods and the marriage between 'ag' and 'tech.' For example, a greenhouse can reuse the energy waste of its neighbors or streamline water and heat usage through proper storage and light control", says Lotte van Rijn, General Manager with Certhon, when asked about the most powerful technique of reducing GHG emissions in agriculture.

"The war in Ukraine further accentuated the need to consume energy and raw materials wisely. By implementing sustainable practices such as water-saving irrigation techniques, rainwater harvesting, and wastewater treatment and reuse, growers can conserve water and reduce their carbon footprint. Additionally, the use of renewable energy sources can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower energy costs."

Lotte is General Manager with Certhon and talked about these topics in a recent interview with When asked about her vision for the CEA industry and the goals she wishes to achieve for Certhon, she says we need more technological innovations to show the world that new growing systems can make the industry so much more efficient. "Particularly with the help of robotics and automation. We are very excited about our own innovations, such as the hybrid greenhouse, the Gronos cultivation system for strawberries and tomatoes, JSKs, WKO's, and the Certhon Harvest Robot." 

"Advancements in technology and techniques have made it possible to grow a wider variety of crops in regions that were previously unsuitable for agriculture. Most importantly, we cannot do it all alone – we are looking to foster more successful collaborations such as the one we have with DENSO so that we can make our know-how available to growers far and wide and also accelerate the scale of our company."

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