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Women, the next generation greenhouse builder?

There are many women in the construction industry, and there are even more women in the greenhouse industry, but there are few that do both. G&V Greenhouse Solutions LLC has combined this narrative. The greenhouse construction company has 99% of women in the office and mostly men completing the fieldwork.

"Women make up a large part of the workforce in both industries, and it's important to understand their role. I'll discuss some of the ways women contribute to these industries and how they can be supported by family-owned businesses", says Julie Gilbert, Owner/Director with G&V Greenhouse Solutions LLC.

Women in Construction:
"In construction, women are often overlooked as being less capable than men. This statement is not completely true, but sometimes this statement is true ( I am a woman speaking). They also bring unique skills to their jobs that will benefit any company they work for. For example, they may have an eye for detail or ability to multitask that might not otherwise be available on a construction site without hiring someone specifically for those skills."

Women in Greenhouses
Women also play an important role in greenhouses across the country—they make up about 40% of all greenhouse employees, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). "Greenhouses are often run by families who want their sons and daughters involved with running the family business, so hiring women is essential for keeping these businesses running smoothly over time," Julie says.

"Put this all together, most greenhouse building companies are family based. We all sacrifice for our growers and investors. We love our jobs, and being with our families throughout this process gives us pride."

Currently, G&V Greenhouse Solutions LLC has celebrated 19 years of success, they are currently looking forward to a 20-year celebration in April next year. "Coming to Cultivate since 2012 has proven such a success. We will continue to be a diverse company that is a leader for women entering the field. We want to be a beacon for women equality in the workforce of greenhouse construction. As it is going, the next generation will be Women Greenhouse Builders."

For more information:
Julie A. Gilbert, Owner/Director
G&V Greenhouse Solutions LLC.
[email protected]

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