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US (GA): 115,000 sq. ft. MMJ facility under construction in Macon

A new business is coming to the industrial part of east Macon: A medical-cannabis farm. Fine Fettle is building the facility and showed leaders inside Monday afternoon. 13WMAZ cameras tagged along.
The company keeps the massive 115,000-square-foot building locked up pretty well, but inside, there's a winding maze of rooms under construction. The room that's completely finished is the first grow room, and that's where it all begins.

The grow room is a 4,700-square-foot room where medical-cannabis plants begin their life cycles. Much like the plants that could one day sprout there, Fine Fettle is also looking to grow some roots in Macon.
"The feedback that we've gotten from people that have moved here from all over the country is how lovely Macon is. And they're glad to be part of the community," Fine Fettle Georgia CEO Jeremy Fort said.
The facility is the Connecticut-based company's first in Georgia. They're one of four Class 2 growers in the state, according to Chief Operating Officer Ben Zachs.

"There is the Class 1 license, of which there are two. Those can build 100,000 square feet of canopy. Then, there are four Class 2 licenses, of which can each build 50,000 square feet of canopy," Zachs said.

"Fine Fettle is an old British term to mean 'good health' or 'good condition,'" he said.


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