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“Good price with reliable quality is our biggest strength”:

Every big greenhouse starts with small parts

"Our products have been exported to Israel, Australia, Chile, Papua New Guinea, Mongolia, and so on," Bella from Tianjin Wintong Imp and Exp Co., Ltd explains. "Our company is located in Tianjin, a city which is quite close to Beijing. We provide wire mesh, wire, nails, steel pipes, and various fields of cold bend profile products globally from here. Based on customers' demands, we can provide a variety of standardized products and customized solutions."

"In 2011, our company focused more on photovoltaic greenhouses and provided many photovoltaic materials to overseas countries. During this process, we found steel is also profitable and then a second company was established in 2020. Nowadays, our customers have been everywhere. Apart from the agricultural part, we also have some building construction projects, such as our new project parking in Hong Kong."

Reliable steel
"Good prices with reliable quality are our advantages. A reliable steel material is very important for greenhouses, both for film and glass greenhouses. Our steel material can last for more than 10 years, and it is oxidized on the surface, so the color can not be changed easily. Corrosion protection also should be addressed, as there are many fertilizers and rainwater that can influence steels", Bella continues.

Compared with several years ago, export faces new challenges today. "For example, the tax rebates have been canceled, which means we have to improve our prices, and there are some limitations for steel exportation."

For more information:
Tianjin Wintong Imp and Exp Co., Ltd
Mob.: +86-15022484495/+86-13132530577
Email: [email protected]